Community & Business
5 February, 2025
"Heartbroken" by fire at MWF Plumbing
Stanthorpe businesses destroyed

Stanthorpians were aghast to see and hear about the early morning tirade that evolved when a car, operated by masked persons, burst through the Maryland Street tobacconist's doors at 2.38am on January 28, soon setting alight the premises and impacting the adjoining businesses.
It was the second suspicious fire that week for the tobacconist outlet that had only opened on January 26, countless locals venting their astonishment at the footage played on Seven News that evening, as captured by cameras from across the street.
"We are heartbroken to share that our shop has been destroyed by fire," a statement published on social media by MWF Plumbing, on the corner of Maryland and Folkestone Street, stated. "The damage inside is extensive and our entire space needs to be rebuilt from the ground up."
The pivotal local business was and is exceptional in their customer service and professionalism and have further said that with local support they "will rebuild," currently trading as best as possible to continue to "serve the community".
"Your support means the world to us right now, whether it's a kind word or choosing to do business with us in any way you can," was said in a public statement. "Please be patient with us and thank you for standing by us in these difficult times."